Test Preparation Instructions

Bone Mineral Density | Mammography | X-Ray | Ultrasound | Nuclear Medicine

No Harassment Policy

Merivale Medical is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for both patients and staff. Aggressive or intimidating behavior, harassment or coarse language will not be tolerated.

No Cell Phones Policy

Due to privacy concerns, the use of cellular devices is prohibited while on-site. Kindly power off all cellular phones prior to entering the clinic.

Scent-Free Policy

Merivale Medical Imaging recognizes that some members of society are sensitive to scented products. Perfumes and strong odors can precipitate severe asthma attacks in some of our patients and staff members.

Bone Mineral Density Procedure

Procedure Duration Preparation
Bone Mineral Density 20 Mins Do NOT take calcium supplements the day of your test. Wear clothing without metal, snaps, buttons, zippers, etc. Bring a list of current medications.  Do NOT schedule your BMD within 2 weeks of having a CT or MRI with dye.

Mammography Procedure

Procedure Duration Preparation
Mammography 20 – 30 Mins NO PREP. Book within first 14 days of menstrual cycle. Wear 2 piece outfit for convenience. Do NOT use antiperspirants, deodorants, or lotion in the underarm or breast area.

X-Ray Procedure

Procedure Duration Preparation
X-Ray 10- 60  Mins NO PREP.

Ultrasound Procedure


Procedure Duration Preparation
Abdominal / Pelvis (Male) 45 Mins Nothing to eat x 4 hours AND finish drinking 32 oz (4 cups) of water 45 minutes prior to arrival time. Do NOT empty bladder.
Abdominal / Pelvis / TVP (Female) 60 Mins Nothing to eat x 4 hours AND finish drinking 32 oz (~ 4 cups) of water 45 minutes prior to test. Do NOT empty bladder.
Abdominal 30 Mins Nothing to eat/drink x 4 hours prior to arrival time.  Do NOT chew gum or smoke x 2 hours prior to arrival time.
ABIs (Ankle Brachial Index) 30 Mins NO PREP.
Arterial Doppler (arms) 60 Mins NO PREP.
Arterial Doppler (legs) 80 Mins Nothing to eat/drink x 4 hours prior to arrival time.  Do NOT chew gum or smoke x 2 hours prior to arrival time.
AAA 30 Mins Nothing to eat/drink x 4 hours prior to arrival time.  Do NOT chew gum or smoke x 2 hours prior to arrival time.
Carotid Doppler 30 Mins NO PREP.
Echocardiogram 60 Mins NO PREP.
Extremity 15 – 30 Mins NO PREP.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) 15 – 30 Mins NO PREP.
Obstetrical 30 – 45 Mins Finish drinking 20 oz (~2.5 cups) of water 45 minutes prior to arrival time and do NOT empty bladder.
Pelvis (Male) 30 Mins Finish drinking 32 oz (~4 cups) of water 45 minutes prior to arrival time and do NOT empty bladder.
Pelvis / Groin 30 Mins Finish drinking 32 oz (~4 cups) of water 45 minutes prior to arrival time and do NOT empty bladder.
Pelvis / TRP (Transrectal) 30 Mins Take a fleet enema or glycerine suppository 2 hours prior to your arrival time AND finish drinking 32 oz (~4 cups) of water 45 minutes prior to arrival time. Do NOT empty bladder.
Pelvis / TVP (Transvaginal) 30 Mins Finish drinking 32 oz (~4 cups) of water 45 minutes prior to arrival time and DO NOT empty bladder.
Portal Venous Doppler 30 Mins Nothing to eat/drink x 4 hours prior to arrival time.  Do NOT chew gum or smoke x 2 hours prior to arrival time.
Renal Doppler for Hypertension 30 – 45 Mins Nothing to eat/drink x 4 hours prior to arrival time.  Do NOT chew gum or smoke x 2 hours prior to arrival time.
Salivary Glands 30 Mins NO PREP.
Scrotal 45 Mins NO PREP.
Thyroid / Neck 30 Mins NO PREP.
Venous for DVT (Both Sides) 30 Mins NO PREP.
Venous for DVT (Single Side) 30 Mins NO PREP.
Venous for Reflux (Single Side) 30 Mins NO PREP.
Venous for Reflux (Both Sides) 30 Mins NO PREP.

Nuclear Medicine Procedure

Procedure Duration Preparation
Bone Scan Part 1: 15 – 30 Mins; Part 2: 30 – 90 Mins NO PREP. Drink 25 – 35 oz (3 – 4 cups) of fluid between Part 1 and Part 2.
Gastric Emptying Study 4 – 5 Hrs Nothing to eat or drink after midnight. No smoking the morning of your test. Bring a list of current medications. If you are a diabetic please bring your glucose monitor and insulin.
Myocardial Perfusion Study: Rest Study (Part 1) 1 – 2 Hrs NO PREP. Bring list of current medications.
Myocardial Perfusion Study: Stress Study (Part 2) 2 – 3 Hrs Nothing to eat / drink x 4 hours (diabetics x 3 hours). No caffeine x 12 hours. May need to discontinue some medications as directed by technologist during Part 1.