Book Appointment / General Inquiries / Request for Report

Please note that all appointments at MMI are confirmed using Patient Prompt™ automated software. The Patient Prompt™ software will contact you either by email or telephone, a few days before your scheduled appointment.

Please do not hang up the phone or ignore email messages from us. The confirmation software is a 2-way communication system that requires participation on your part to function properly. In order for your confirmation response to be accurately recorded in our system, it is essential that you listen to (or read) the confirmation message in its entirety, and follow the instructions on how to confirm your appointment.

If receiving confirmation by phone, the call will originate from “613-727-1072”. If receiving confirmation by email, the sender name displayed will be “Merivale Medical Imaging”.

MMI’s goal is to provide quality diagnostic imaging to our patients in a timely manner. Therefore, if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, we request that you call or notify us by email, at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your early cancellation will give us the opportunity to offer your appointment slot to another patient.

Failure to show up for your scheduled appointment, or failure to cancel a minimum of 24 hours in advance, is considered a “missed appointment” and consequently you will be billed $75.

To cancel or reschedule an appointment you can call us at 613-727-1072 and select option “1”, or drop by our booking office located at 1370 Clyde Ave. Voice mail messages are accepted 24 hours a day. If you would like to reschedule your appointment, please ensure you provide us with your phone number and the best time to return your call. Your understanding and cooperation with this policy is appreciated, as it serves to improve access to timely medical care for all patients.

When scheduling an appointment please ensure you have the following information on hand:

  • Patient’s name (as it appears on health card)

  • Date of birth
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Health card number
  • Referring physician’s name
  • Type of exam
  • Reason for exam


To facilitate speedy registration, new patients, and existing patients who have had a change of address, phone number, etc. are asked to print and complete the forms attached below on this page and bring them to their appointment (Demographic Form & Privacy Policy Consent Form).  We also ask that you Please bring your health card and requisition (if you have it) to your appointment.

Payment Methods

For Quebec residents, and those without provincial health insurance coverage (OHIP, etc.), payment in full is due at the time services are rendered.  We accept the following methods of payment:

  • Debit

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover)

  • Personal Cheque

New eReferral Option

The Ocean eReferral platform is available to create and submit requisitions directly from most community physician EMRs. If you already have access to Ocean, you can access the referral by selecting “Merivale Medical Imaging (MMI)”.

Physicians and other clinicians who are interested in learning more about Ocean eReferral, can contact:

Requisition & Forms

Requisitions can be sent to the clinic by one of the following methods:

  1. By fax to our main number (613) 727-5873
  2. In person at any of our clinics
  3. By email when booking an appointment (

Merivale Medical Imaging


Uninsured Services